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The Benefits of Carbohydrates

By Sara Butler

Carbohydrates are vilified by a lot of people in the world. They're blamed for unhealthy weight, eating too much, and pretty much anything else you can think of related to issues people have with food. But it's important to remember that carbohydrates are supposed to make up a large bulk of the calories you eat each day. Of course, the kind of carbohydrates you choose is important, but when you have the right kinds of carbs in your diet, they can do some really amazing things for your health. Here are a few of the benefits carbs have in your life.

They Provide Energy

Carbs are a big source of energy for your body -- they fuel you. When you eat, your body breaks down the food into starches and sugars that are then released into your bloodstream. They are made into glucose at this point and your body needs glucose in order to do everything from breathing to helping you smash your workout at the gym. Plus, your brain uses glucose to function properly, so you simply can't go without it. You may find if you are too strict with the number of carbs you eat in a day that you feel lethargic and weak, unable to complete even easy tasks with focus.

They Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

You may think the opposite is true of carbs, but when they're eaten appropriately, they actually help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that the average person eat 14 grams of carbohydrates for every 1,000 calories they eat. Keep in mind that carbohydrates are the only way you can get dietary fiber too, which helps to add bulk to what you eat and helps you feel fuller for longer.

They're Good for Your Heart

The aforementioned fiber in carbs also helps you to keep your heart healthy by preventing cholesterol from building up in your blood vessels and creating blockages. Whole grain carbohydrates such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, bran, quinoa, and oats provide your body with the fiber it needs to keep your heart ticking. Just make sure to avoid simple carbohydrates in your diet. Processed foods or foods made with white flour such as cakes and cookies are often high in sugar and fat but low in fiber, so avoid them.

Your body needs carbohydrates to function optimally. Simply make sure they're the best and healthiest you can get!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Snellville, Ga.

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