5 High-Tech Gadgets to Help You Sleep
By Kate Gardner
Do you wake up refreshed and ready to start your day or do you wake up dragging, longing to stay in bed another hour (or two)? I know which category I fall into. We've all heard the recommendations -- adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. If you needed more convincing, new research from the National Sleep Foundation suggests that people who make sleep a priority and get an adequate amount feel more effective the next day.
Even though we know how important sleep is, many of us don't get enough sleep. According to HealthyPeople.gov, 25 percent of people report that they don't get enough sleep at least half the time. Too little sleep is associated with a number of health problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
High-Tech Sleep
Doctors and researchers have made many recommendations on how to get a good night's sleep: turn off devices an hour or two before bedtime, consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time, and don't watch TV in bed. But if you need an extra boost to get enough high-quality sleep, these high-tech gadgets from SleepGadgets.io may be the key.
Snoring mask - This mask connects to your smartphone and monitors your breathing. If it senses you are snoring, it can gently vibrate, causing you to change positions. It can apply expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) when you exhale, stopping snoring by opening up your airway.
Sleep mediation band - This soft headband is comfortable enough to sleep in and plays meditation music throughout the night. The band also monitors your sleep so that you can get a better idea of your sleep patterns.
EEG monitoring - These special headbands are also worn during sleep. They are equipped to monitor your brain's electrical activity. This information gives you a detailed look at the quality of your sleep and can help you tailor a plan to improve it. Some of these bands also play binaural beats, which reportedly help you sleep better.
Cooling system - If you find it hard to sleep because you're too hot, these systems may be for you. They typically go over your mattress and use various technologies to cool you down during the night.
Radar monitoring - This device sits in your bedroom and uses a radar to monitor your sleep. It can detect a number of different things including your heart rate and respiration, sleep apnea, and emergencies including falls.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chicago, Ill.