Diet and Exercise Are Keys for Better Health
By Stephen R. Farris
A healthy diet and daily exercise are essential for maintaining your health, and prolonging your life. A healthy diet consists of eating more fresh, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and lean cuts of meat such as chicken, turkey, and fish, while limiting the amount of red meat. Researchers recommended getting at least 15 minutes of exercise daily and no less than 150 minutes per week.
Whether starting a healthy diet and/or exercise program, it's always a good idea to check in with your primary care physician and/or local chiropractor to see if you're healthy enough to begin. You might also talk to them about nutrition and the types of exercises to start out with as they could offer helpful tips and suggestions.
If you're a beginner or advanced, or maybe you haven't exercised for a while, you might have a few concerns about which ones to incorporate in your daily routine. However, you might also consider incorporating a few other ideas to help break up the monotony.
You Do You
With so many exercise programs available on the internet and television, it can be a nightmare trying to figure out if any of them will be a right fit for you. The bottom line is to start off slow and choose exercises that will make your daily routine fun and not a chore. Two great exercises you could try involve heading outdoors. One is walking, and the other is cycling. Walking outdoors allows you to get some fresh air and enjoy the surrounding scenery. Taking a bike ride outdoors sure beats an indoor stationary bike. Your cycling trip gives you the opportunity to go just about anywhere and helps tone and strengthen up key muscles in the legs.
Support Is Everything
No matter if it's exercising or dieting, a core support group is key to your success. If you enjoy going to the gym, find fellow enthusiasts to share some of your health goals. They, in turn, may have a few tips and suggestions to help keep you on track, plus you might even make a few friends as well. Get your family involved to help you. It's always good to have friends and family members to lean on and offer their support. So don't be shy and give up. Ask for help and support when you need it.
Be Kind to Yourself
Be sure to take a little time for yourself occasionally. All work and no play as the old saying goes. Do something nice for you, whether it's taking a walk in the park, or getting in the kitchen, cranking up your favorite tunes on your smartphone, and whipping up your favorite healthy dish for dinner. Relax and enjoy life.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mt. Prospect, Ill.