5 Ways Women Can Improve Lung Health
By Brandi Goodman
While both men and women should work on improving their lung health, Women's Lung Health Week gets celebrated in May. Women everywhere should do what they can to improve their lung health and ensure their chances are lowered for developing lung disease or cancer of the lungs. At least five ways exist that can help with prevention, though some unlucky few will still develop cancer in this area or another regardless of what they do to avoid it. These methods can still help to lessen symptoms and provide a better quality of life.
Avoid Pollutants
Pollutants in the air can cause significant damage to the lungs. Avoid going outside on high pollutant days when pollen is plentiful. You can look up that information online or check the news to be sure. Find fragrance-free and chemical-free cleaners and perfumes as well if you want to avoid problems.
Eat Healthy
Healthy foods can prevent damage to your lungs and even cancer. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and nuts throughout the week to improve the health of your lungs and other organs. Foods rich in antioxidants are especially beneficial, such as apples, berries, and broccoli.
Stop Smoking
Smoking does serious damage to your lungs. Stop if you want to improve your lung health and get healthier overall. The sooner you quit, the sooner your risk for developing certain cancers and other health problems will be reduced.
Get Vaccinated
Certain vaccinations can protect against the flu, pneumonia, and other ailments that can put strain on the lungs. Get these vaccinations if you want to reduce your risk for catching these illnesses and prevent your lungs from struggling to work well because of them.
Try Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise forces you to breathe deeply and take in oxygen. This can increase your lung capacity if you make it a habit. Walking, running, swimming, and biking are all ideal forms of aerobic exercise. Incorporate one or more of them into your weekly routine and see how much healthier your lungs become.
Do what you can to improve the health of your lungs and improve your respiratory system. Better breathing can make it easier to exercise and help to avoid worsening symptoms. Women's Lung Health Week should not be the only time you consider your lung function. Always think about how to make yourself healthy and well for the best quality of life.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avon, Ind.