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6 Solutions for a Safe and Healthy Halloween

By Brandi Goodman 

The fall season is when many people start to experience sickness. Children are in close proximity with school back in session, fall events are happening, and people generally are gathered together more often. Combine this fact with the changing weather and you have a recipe for at least a cold to come on. Halloween Safety Month is also celebrated this time of year with October focusing on making the holiday safer for all. Finding solutions for both a safe and healthy Halloween will help with both of these autumn struggles.

Skip the Candy

It's fine to indulge once in a while, but the excessive candy given out at Halloween is more than one needs. Skip the candy and find healthier treats instead. If you're passing things out to trick-or-treaters, try giving toys, pencils, or other favors. If you still have a sweet tooth, try some homemade candy or at least pair a piece with a healthier option, such as an apple.

Attend Many Fall Events

Halloween night is not the only time to have some fun. The entire fall season is filled with events for you to attend. Churches and other local organizations put on Halloween parties, fall festivals, and more. Attend as many as you can so you get lots of time for exercise. All of the walking you'll be doing making your way through these events will have you burning lots of calories, which is great for your health.

Walk Instead of Drive

Rather than driving around collecting candy, it's better to get out and walk. This will give you more time to exercise as well as help to limit traffic. Traffic accidents are already so common around the fall months and especially on Halloween. More people out walking will cut this down. If you are driving, watch the road even more carefully than usual. 

Eat Before You Trick-or-Treat

Too many people head out to trick-or-treat on an empty stomach. This can lead to poor decisions, such as scarfing down lots of candy that will later make you feel sick. It's important to eat a healthy meal before going out so it limits what you want to eat while you're out. You can eat before other fall events as well so you can make sure you're getting something nutritional. Most places look for cheap solutions to feed many people rather than offering something healthy.

Avoid Masks and Dark Costumes

For your safety, it's best to avoid wearing masks and dark costumes. Masks make it difficult for you to see while dark costumes make it difficult for people to see you. Keep your costume light and wear headpieces rather than masks if your costume needs something extra. 

Save Candy for Other Holidays

More holidays are coming up once Halloween is over. Christmas is a typical one celebrated. Save the Halloween candy for other holidays so you can use it accordingly. Decorating gingerbread houses, for example, is popular at Christmastime. You can use some of your leftover Halloween candy to decorate your house instead of eating it all. 

Your safety and health is of the utmost importance. Take this advice into consideration so you can have the healthiest Halloween possible. You may also want to consider it in future months as well for a lifelong commitment to your wellness.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avon, Ind.

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