Fun Fitness Options for the Winter Months
By Brandi Goodman
The winter months leave many people feeling as though they have no time, energy, or options for exercise. It's not so easy to get outdoors and go for a run or play your weekly game of basketball when the air burns your face the second you step outside and the ground is covered in ice. Lots of fun fitness options still exist during the winter months. It's just a matter of trying them out and finding the ones you enjoy best.
Water Aerobics
You may not be able to swim outdoors in a pool or lake, but there are plenty of indoor locations available locally or in surrounding areas that will allow you to exercise in water. Water aerobics classes are ideal because they allow you to tone your body and strengthen your muscles while being easy on the joints. You don't have to join a class if you don't want. Just do some laps during open swim time instead.
Sledding might already be part of your winter plans without you realizing you're getting exercise. Lots of families bundle up and find a nearby hill to sled down for fun. This is actually helping you stay fit because you're climbing a steep hill and working your lower body every time you need to make your way back up to the starting point to sled down again.
You can put on a pair of skis and head downhill as well. This is a much more intense workout that will leave your legs burning. It will help to build your strength and endurance. You can find a ski resort with chair lifts and larger hills if you really want to give yourself a challenge.
Bike Riding
A bike ride might not seem like a great idea when there's snow on the ground. However, a bike with large tires can make it through snowy conditions without a problem. A nice, sunny day is a great time to get out for a ride so you can soak up some Vitamin D while also working out your legs. Just be sure you change your regular bike tires out for bigger ones that will be able to handle the conditions.
Try one or more of these fitness options and get the exercise you need during winter. Too many people let their workout habits fall to the wayside when it's winter. You need to get up and move now more than ever after lots of time spent sitting, eating, and not being as active as usual.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Avon, Ind.