A Little Thought May Lengthen Your Life
By Tom Herrin
Many times, we may not believe that we can have much effect on just how long we may live. Some feel that whatever happens to us is simply a matter or genetics, or fate. In recent years, we have learned a lot about how we can help ourselves to live longer, and it doesn't require drastic measures. If we follow some proven practices, we can make minor changes that may add up to better health and longer life. With up-to-date information that is available, any of us can plan for greater success in seeking to enjoy a longer life.
Take Care of the Brain
It has been discovered that we can take better care of our brains than was once believed. The fact is there are several things that may be done to help our brains function well for much longer than they may have in the past. Not only can using productive mind games such as puzzles help, but we can also provide healthy fats to nourish the brain. Simple exercise can make certain there is good blood flow. The last thing is that we can do a lot of good by spending time with others. Social interaction can be a good way to protect and maintain the brain. We will need it to have a longer quality life.
Get Quality Sleep
It is pretty easy to try to skimp on sleep so that we can get a little more done. While it may seem logical, it can rob us of something we really need. It has been associated with diabetes, higher blood pressure, hormone imbalances, obesity, and mood swings as well a few other issues. Getting an adequate amount of sleep may require a little planning but it is well worth the effort. Minimizing exposure to electronic screens late in the day and avoiding large meals may both support better sleep.
Take Advantage of Screenings
There is so much advanced technology available today, we can test for almost anything. Screenings for cancers, high blood pressure, digestive issues, and many more are easy to access. Screenings for skin cancers are increasingly common. Early detection is often the best way to prevent problems. If we form some good practices now, we can make a significant contribution to our efforts of living a longer life. It all adds up in the long run.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Carmel, Ind.