Morning Habits for Your Health
By Alexis Mills
Starting your day with habits that are healthy will help you physically, mentally, and emotionally, setting you up for the day completely. It is true that we are what we repeatedly do. Below are some of the most popular and positive ways to start your day. Also know that there isn't a one-size-fits-all when it comes to health and wellness, so don't try to fit a mold to find what works for you.
Early Morning Sun
Whether it's taking a morning walk or just opening all the blinds to let the light in, the sunlight affects the hormones and helps your physiological process. This will sync your body with the natural world's light and dark cycles and act as a timing cue.
Practice Breathing Exercises
Start your morning by doing mindful breathing exercises to allow your mind to be clear and connected. Whether you want to take it to a light morning yoga or a quick mindful meditation, it primes you for the day ahead.
Prepare Mentally
Take some time to reflect on the day ahead and give yourself the mental power you need. This can be reading for personal development before starting work or visualizing the goals that you want to accomplish.
Fuel the Body and Brain
Start your day with food that will fuel you to achieve what you want to. Feeding your body food that is healthy first thing in the morning will give your brain the support it needs. Also, starting the morning with a glass of water before you eat gets your digestion system warmed up for the day and for breakfast.
Move It, Move It
Go for a job, hike, yoga, or any other your workout you enjoy to help give yourself the energy that you need for the rest of the day. Check in with your body, how it is feeling, and get it prepared for the day ahead.
Journaling for a Sense of Purpose
Many people start their day with a quick journaling session. It's an opportunity to focus on what you want to accomplish for the day, write out feelings that are bothering you, and write what you are grateful for. This helps keep a strong connection with yourself and what is going on internally.
Create your perfect morning routine to set the tone for your day to be the best person you can be physically, emotionally, and mentally. This routine creates self-discipline and will give yourself the platform to have the best day every day. Try to stick to something for 30 days and notice what kind of impact is has on your days. Are you making healthier choices, being more productive, and feeling more fulfilled? Start a new habit tomorrow morning. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Owings Mills, Md.