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How Stress Affects Your Body (And Good Solutions!)

By Genevieve Cunningham

Are you stressed? Of course you are! There aren't many (if any!) people who make it through life without stress. It's normal, and it really can't be escaped. The good news is that a little bit of stress probably isn't much of a problem. We deal with it and move on. But when the stress is either excessive or long lasting, it can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Not fun, right? If you're under stress more often than you'd like, take a look at how it may be affecting your body plus some tips for getting it under control. 

Risks to Your Body and Health

Stress comes with multiple risks to our overall health. A few of the most common side effects include:

  • Heightened risk of disease - Too much stress raises the risk of issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Lowering the stress ultimately lowers this risk and prolongs our lives. 

  • Potential weight gain - Stress creates a chemical that has been directly connected to weight gain. If you're putting on the pounds -- especially around the middle -- stress may be a contributing factor.

  • Exhaustion - Too much stress is tiring! It zaps energy and leaves us depleted. If you need more energy, it might be time to lower stress. 

How to Lower Stress for Better Health

Lowering stress in our lives might seem like a difficult task. If it were easy, we'd all do it, right? But it's easier than you think as long as you're willing to stick with it. A few tips for lower stress include:

  • Set priorities - In order to get rid of stress, we have to slow down. And in order to slow down, we have to set priorities. Eliminate the things that don't matter, and leave time for the things that do. 

  • Engage in healthy habits - The healthier your habits, the better you're going to feel, and the less stress on your body and mind. This includes habits such as healthy eating, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.

  • Focus on mental wellness -Do not ignore your mental well-being. Make sure you're taking time for yourself, avoiding overworking, and staying away from negativity. The better your mental wellness, the better you are as a whole.

You're not going to escape all stress in life. You're going to suffer from various kinds of stress at different times in your life. And that's OK! Use these tips to keep stress at bay, protect your body and mind, and keep your health moving in the right direction. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burnsville, Minn.

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