4 Tips That Will Help Change Your Eating Habits
By Stephen R. Farris
Did you know those aches and pains you may be feeling in your back, neck, and joints, could be the result of carrying excess weight. One way to rid yourself of a few extra pounds is to change your eating habits and get at least 15 minutes of exercise daily.
When it comes to eating more healthily to drop those pounds, there's numerous diet plans available to choose from. The trick is which one is best. There's not a singular diet that outshines the other, unfortunately. There's no magic pill. However, you may just have to do your research and come up with a combination that works for you.
You might try some of these tips to help you get started.
Add More Fiber to Your Diet
According to research, adding more fiber to your diet (found in foods like vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains), can actually help you lose weight.
Cut Back on Sugar
The bad news is that most processed and pre-packaged foods contain sugar and/or hidden sugars. Consuming foods with high sugar content -- for instance, sugary drinks (sodas) -- could lead to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. When purchasing food at the grocery store, buy more raw vegetables and fresh fruits. If you have no choice than buying processed foods, read the label before making your purchase to find out exactly how much sugar is in the product.
Not All Fat is Bad
There is such a thing as healthy fat. Not all fat is bad, you just have to choose products that contain healthy fats. In other words, you don't have to ditch the guacamole, but you may have to choose another food item to dip with. Avocados are considered a healthy fat, as is olive oil and nuts. Healthy fats give you more of a fuller feeling for longer periods and can help reduce your hunger cravings.
Discard the TV Trays
Sure, TV trays were a great invention that allowed us to escape the dinner table and eat our meals in the living room while watching a movie or favorite weekly show. However, eating while watching TV, or multi-tasking on the computer (tablet/smartphone), is a distraction and could cause you to end up eating more than you should. Not only that, you may end up consuming more unhealthy foods. So you could try changing your eating habits by moving your meals back to the kitchen/dining room table.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Burnsville, Minn.