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How to Stop Worrying and Just Live

By Sandy Schroeder

I know the ins and outs of the worry process, and one of my specialties is picturing what will happen next when I have just had something great happen. If you are always waiting for the second shoe to drop, you know exactly what this means.

You may finally get something that you have been waiting for, but still have doubts in your mind about the future of the situation. Or perhaps something wonderful happens, and then you start looking over your shoulder to see what negative thing will counterbalance everything.

That special acquisition, new relationship, health goal or promotion deserves to be enjoyed without any lingering doubts. Learning to relax and just savor the moment can be important to your happiness and your health.

Researchers in the New York Times say the ability to fully experience positive emotions also improves our ability to handle distress. Another researcher from the University of California, Riverside says being able to experience positive emotions actually increases your chances of accomplishing what you want in work, health and personal relationships.

With that in mind, it may be time to stifle those nagging voices that see negatives in the future. Here are some ways to turn things around.

Turning Things Around

Realize worrying accomplishes nothing - All it does is steal your joy and deepen the disappointment if something negative does happen.

Understand worry never helps - Some people feel that worry actually helps in some strange way, but actually it simply mars the present and distracts you from more productive actions.

Give yourself credit for good work - Sometimes when work goals result in promotions or recognition, people who always worry tend to discount their abilities and assume they were just lucky. When you take that attitude, you are sabotaging your ability to take charge of your life and shape it and your job the way you want. Recognizing your talents can stimulate you to move ahead and achieve what you want.

Put worry into the proper perspective - Create a pie chart that includes all of the things that matter most to you, such as health, family, work, friendships and hobbies.Then spend some time considering what you are doing to make each of these areas work better. Researchers say people who spend time in areas that matter to them feel more empowered and pleased with their life.

Live your values to create more positives - Often negative thoughts can be relegated to their proper place by taking charge of what you want in life and then making it happen. Ask yourself how you want to be counted right now and what you want your life to stand for. Researchers ask these questions of students and found the ones who followed through to activate their values raised their grades and accomplished an assortment of goals.

However you manage to let worry go you will definitely notice the difference. It's like letting go of a balloon and watching it soar away.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Maple Grove, Minn.

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