6 Things Smart People Just Won't Do
By Sandy Schroeder
Of course, we all want to be fast and focused in our jobs, at home, and in our community, but sometimes that can be a tall order. You just get your job dialed in, and a family situation goes off of the rails. Or your effort to help others may be great, but your own health trips you up with new allergies or other challenges.
Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-founder of TalentSmart, a consultancy that serves more than 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies, recently gave his thoughts on specific things strong people just won't do, which helps them succeed on all fronts. See what you think of these.
They let conflicts go - This is one is pretty easy for me. I really do let most of the past go, but we all know someone who remembers every slight from the last 10 years! That person is carrying way too much baggage to stay up to speed with the present or even hope to pursue the future.
They never become jerks - The minute you catch yourself snapping at someone because they have hit a nerve, or annoyed you, stop and rethink everything. Time after time I have found the better you treat others, the better they will treat you.
They resist fear and worry - This one is tough if you are given to stress. Sometimes, I can conjure up three different ways things can go wrong when I am working on a project. It is good to be prepared for possible snags, but just dwelling on the negatives can cloud the picture and make you less effective. A positive attitude really can do amazing things.
They don't expect free lunches - Some people really do expect the world to bow to their wishes, and they always want someone to step up and help them when the going gets tough. I have seen a few people do this and succeed for a while, but then completely flounder when the expected support disappears. Being self-reliant, as much as possible, and establishing reliable sources that you treat well, works best.
They skip toxic people - There is only so much time in a day. When you allow a negative person with dubious motives to absorb a lot of it, you have just played into their hands and reduced your own effectiveness. When you see them coming, run!
They never let anyone steal their real treasure - Last, but obviously most important, never let someone sweep in and make off with your peace of mind, belief in yourself, or satisfaction with your life. Know who you are, and what you want most, and then just keep going. Letting joy slip through your fingers is simply not acceptable.
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