Did You Think All Back Pain Was From Accidents?
By Tom Herrin
For those who watch much daytime television, they may be indoctrinated on the effects of injuries sustained from some kind of accident. The gist of the ad is usually that people may be able to take legal action and become wealthy because of it. For most people who experience back pain, their real objective is to find relief. They may be surprised to find that it is not all due to what may be classified as an accident. There may be instances in which a normal work routine simply wears on the back. Even those who work in offices may be subject to injuries that can be nagging and uncomfortable. If carrying out daily duties ends up causing you back pain, a visit to a chiropractor may put a smile back on your face soon.
Back Injuries Don't All Fit the Mold
When people sustain back injuries, it can interfere with their daily lives. While it is often thought of as something that comes with doing more physical labor, even those who work in offices can sustain them. Some of it has to do with how well prepared they are to do whatever the task is. If they normally do heavier work, they likely do so often enough to build their bodies up to it. Those who work in offices may not lift or strain as frequently. This may mean that when they don't work the muscles as much and may strain them when they suddenly perform some activity. Straining the muscles that support the back can leave the spine unprotected. This can leave it more vulnerable to injury. As a result, a joint dysfunction may occur in which pressure is placed on a nerve and cause pain.
Chiropractors Can Relieve Pain
The point of going to a chiropractor is to get rid of back pain. When they perform an adjustment, they gently manipulate the spine so that the injured joint is restored to its normal position. This can take the pressure off of the nerve and relieve the pain. Since this is done all naturally, no pain medication is used. There is no risk of addiction or side effects. Recovery is often faster and a return to work is sooner.
Regular Visits May Head Off Problems
Many people who experience the relief that is provided by a chiropractor enjoy it and want more. Keeping the spine working well may help that to happen. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can help make that a reality. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 475 locations nationwide. If your regular routine suddenly seems to cause pain in your back, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today and bring back the pleasure to your work.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in St. Louis, Mo.