Sticking With Your Resolutions
By Donna Stark
It's the time of year when most people start to make promises to themselves, and the promises that always seem to be at the top of the list are those to eat better, exercise more, and work less. Unfortunately though, those promises are also often the first ones to be given up on, aren't they? Staying motivated and committed to a completely new lifestyle can be hard, we all know that, but it is especially difficult if your bad habits are as old as dirt. If you are someone who starts the new year off with a bang but has a hard time sticking to the promises you have made, take a look at the following reasons why you should stick your heels in the ground and keep at it.
Do It for You
Forget what everyone else thinks about your choice to become healthier. The only thing that matters is what you think about it. You deserve to live a life free of illness and pain and you are worthy of all the wonderful life experiences coming your way!
Become an Inspiration
In addition to creating a better life for yourself, think about the lives around you that you will be able to impact as well. Once your close friends and family see all of the positive changes you are making with your health, appearance, and attitude, they may just decide to join you on your new journey.
Fight Off Illness
Taking care of your body is the best way to reduce the risk of developing illness and disease, and you can do that by consuming a healthy diet, exercising daily, and prioritizing your sleep. Establishing behaviors that encourage a healthier lifestyle will strengthen your body and help fight heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and chronic pain.
Improve Your Future Self
Imagine yourself a year or 10 years from now. What do you see? Do you see a person who is healthy, active, and enjoying all that life has to offer, or do you see a person who is sitting in the doctor's office, overweight, and unable to participate in the daily activities of life? The choice is yours, and although the improvements you want to make won't happen overnight, they will happen in due time. You just have to stick with it.
Look and Feel Better
When you decide to take care of your health, you will begin to notice positive changes happening, one right after the other. You will start to smile more, look better, and get sick less often. You will think more clearly and feel more rested. You may even feel good enough to sign up for that marathon. So don't let another day pass by. Start your healthy lifestyle today and stay committed. There's a lot to be gained if you do!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Sunset Hills, Mo.