When to See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain
By Sara Butler
Neck pain is quite common. According to the National Institutes of Health, neck pain has increased in prevalence significantly since the early 1990s. That can be attributed to many factors, but mostly is a result of the modern lifestyle many people lead that includes computers, desk work, and handheld electronic devices. If neck pain is so common, then how do you know when it’s time to see your chiropractor about it? Here are some tips to help you understand when your neck pain has crossed a line and needs a professional to evaluate it.
Pain and Stiffness
Many people experience regular pain and stiffness in their necks, so they slap some ice on it or do a few stretches in hopes it will help. If you are suffering from neck pain and stiffness and what you’ve tried at home hasn’t helped, then you need to get in to see the chiropractor. If you allow your neck pain to go on without treatment, then it can lead so serious health issues down the road that will take longer to resolve.
It Hurts to Move
One of the main functions of your neck is to turn your head. If you can’t perform this simple movement without pain then it’s time to get in to see the chiropractor. Pain that doesn’t allow for full range of motion of your neck can hinder your daily activities and even be dangerous to you when you’re performing tasks such as driving a car. A chiropractor can examine your neck and evaluate what is wrong with it, then create a treatment plan to help address the root cause of your neck pain and discomfort.
You Need Medication to Function
If you can’t make it through a day without popping a few pills to deal with your neck pain, then it’s time to see your chiropractor. The pain you’re experiencing is your body’s way of telling you that something is definitely wrong, and that kind of pain isn’t something you should just attempt to shrug off – if you can even shrug!
If your pain is accompanied by any numbness or tingling in your wrists or fingers, then it’s definitely time to see the chiropractor. This can be an indication of many issues, including a dysfunction in one of the joints of your neck. Don’t let this symptom go on without addressing it.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.