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Do Find Using Walking Assistance Difficult?

By Tom Herrin

Anyone who has never ended up using some kind of device to assist with their walking is probably an exception.  Some time or other, it seems that most people have some occasion in which they turn an ankle, or have some other incident, and must use something to help them get around so that they can keep their weight off of the injured part.  While this can be necessary for some, it is also a time in which people may experience injury due to their lack of proper use of the device.  Many times, poor use can end up creating more pain.

Walking Aids Come in Different Forms for Different Reasons

When people go searching for something to use to help them get around when they are injured, there are a variety of choices.  Most people have used crutches at some point, if only to borrow a pair as a child to see what they can do with them.  Other choices are a walker or a cane.  Walkers are often used when people have issues with hips or knees.  They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  There are some that may be lifted and moved and others that may be rolled.  Canes may be used for helping to manage balance or to help relieve weight from an injured point.  

Crutches Are Good for Resting a Leg or Foot

People normally use crutches when they are needing to rest an injured body part.  They can either place their weight on the other limb or the crutches.  This allows them to place no weight if this is what they need.  A few key points should be followed when using crutches.  The crutch should be one or two inches below the armpits when the person stands.  The hand grips should be near waist level.  If the elbows are slightly bent it can allow the person to use their hands to lift themselves rather than rest on the tops of the crutches.  A common problem with using crutches is being extremely sore, or even bruised, in the armpits.

Take Action to Avoid Accidents

Many of the accidents that cause injuries requiring some kind of walking assistance happen at home.  Taking the opportunity to make our homes safer is always a good investment of time.  Removing items that could cause people to trip or slip may be a good start.  Making a checklist and periodically going over it with family members may be useful.  It is also a good idea to have some kind of item that may be used as walking assistance and know how to properly use it.  Good practices can pay off. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.

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