Do We Need Fats, Carbs, or Proteins More?
By Tom Herrin
Sometimes people ask loaded questions. Making priorities of which macronutrients are needed more may depend on their present condition and demands on their body. Different needs really depend on many different factors. How active someone is can be an important consideration. The kind of health they are already experiencing is another thing. Diets have gone in lots of directions as people have followed what they have believed are critical to their condition. One of the current diet trends is to cut carbs. There is no doubt that many people take in too many carbs but an important thing to know is the demands that are placed on their body. Deprivation of any of these to the excess can be detrimental to good health.
When Carbs Are Bad
While carbs can play an important role in good health, they too often are managed poorly. Especially when people take in too much of the wrong kind, it can lead to poor health. When they take in too much from added sugar, it can be a problem. One recommendation is for women to take in 100 per day from sugar and men to take in 150. Too many times this is well exceeded as people eat packaged foods and pastries. Monitoring the level of these may be a big help. It can make it a simple and objective way of managing intake of nutrients.
When Carbs Are Good, They Are Vital
Carbs do several things that are critical for the body. They help to keep the muscles working properly, they supply energy in different forms, and they are essential for some organs to function as they should. The best sources of these are fruits, vegetables, and grains. Choosing the right kinds can go a long way toward a totally healthy body.
Go for Balance in Diet
Even though many of our dietary needs seem to vary according to trends, the truth of it is that those actual needs don't change that much. We all need a fair portion of each of the nutrients. Maintaining the right balance can mean that each is able to do the job they are designed to do. Leaving one out completely may seem like a good diet for a while, but that will inevitably catch up with anyone. Be aware of your own needs and eat accordingly. The right kind of carbs can be a real help.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.