Are You Game for Walking Barefoot?
By Tom Herrin
More than likely, as a child, you spent quite a bit of time walking around with no shoes on. It was kind of like an entitlement for those under the age of 10 or so. Especially once the temps got warm and you could feel summer upon you, you couldn't wait to get out there and feel the grass on your toes. It was what you may have considered to be a real natural feeling. As you got a little older, you may have spent more time searching for the right shoes for a given occasion. Those barefoot days may have been healthier for you than you ever realized.
Inflammation and Bare Feet
There may be some benefit for reducing inflammation when we walk around barefoot. This is especially in regards to doing so on a natural surface. In one study, participants replicated spending time with their skin touching the ground. After eight weeks, there was a noticeable reduction of cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that tells our body when it is under stress and kicks it into a higher gear. This causes us to have more than a few health issues. Stress can weaken our immune system as well as wreak havoc on our heart. Walking barefoot may be a way to cut this down a little.
How Are Your Biorhythms?
Each of us has a biological clock that is unique. This is often referred to as part of our biorhythms which affects our internal settings. It is one of those things that helps to regulate what we do and when. It tells us when to sleep, eat, and be active. If we get ours wound the way it suits us best, we will experience better overall health. Grounding through walking barefoot is thought to contribute to influencing our biorhythms in a positive way.
Bare Feet May Mean More Energy
When we walk barefoot, we may notice a greater level of energy as we may have experienced when we were kids. It is a pretty natural process. This may be due to picking up higher frequency levels from the natural world. It is truly a case of getting more in touch with nature. If you haven't done this in a while, it may be worth giving a try. Not only will it bring back old memories, it may actually make you feel young again.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Las Vegas, Nev.