A Vacation May Be As Important As a Checkup
By Tom Herrin
As people try to be diligent about their health, they attempt to cover all of the angles. Regular tests and examinations of one kind or another are standard procedure for many. It's unfortunate that, even with a good effort toward a whole-health approach, so many forget to include some of the very basic things that may be able to enhance and improve our quality of life. A vacation can be one of those that is left off the list far too often. While some choose to pass on them, taking one can be a tremendous help for the health of the entire family.
It May Improve Brain Activity
When people take vacations, it often provides a change of scenery and opportunity. Seeing different places and having new experiences can fill the mind with new ideas. Interpreting what is taken in by the mind can be a bit of a mental workout itself. Processing all of that new information can open it up for more creativity. This may help make people more creative at work or school. Their problem-solving ability may even improve at home. This can mean better relationships as people become more open to the ideas and needs of others within the family unit.
It May Improve Sleep
A large number of people struggle with sleep problems these days. Much of this may be related to the use of electronic devices and the dependence upon them. There are also so many lights and sounds in many homes that some people are unable to turn off their minds and just rest. Studies have shown that people can improve their sleep habits by taking a vacation. Not only do they sleep better while on vacation, but many have experienced benefits that lasted long after the vacation is over. They have sometimes been able to add as much as an hour on average to their nightly sleep.
It May Reduce Stress
We all can use some kind of stress relief. Whether we work, go to school, or stay home, we have stress in our lives. It may come from finances or simple feelings of insecurity about life in general. A regular vacation can help to reduce the depression so many of us have from such things. When we can take some of the stress out of our lives, we can function better and more efficiently. When you think about all of those things on our checklist for better health, keep a vacation near the top of that list.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Reno, Nev.