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Short Bits of Sleep Can Still Build Good Health

By Tom Herrin

A lot of times, when people attempt to do something to improve their health, they want to do it all at once.  All or nothing can be good at times, but at other times, it is fine to take things slow and in small pieces.  Many go long periods without sleep in hopes of being the first one finished or putting in the extra work.  These are all good intentions, but skipping sleep in order to achieve some goal can wreck health and sanity.  The good thing, most of the time, is that small bits of sleep may be able to restore much of that which was lost.  A good nap at the right time can do much.

It May Help Manage Weight

Plenty of people struggle with weight issues.  Lack of exercise can be a contributing factor.  Another one may be poor eating habits, and this can be due to lack of sleep.  Information from a Stanford University study reveals that when people are lacking enough sleep, their body may produce more of the hormone gherkin, which makes them want to eat more.  It can also cut the production of leptin.  This is another hormone that tells people when they are full.  When these are out of balance, people may overeat.  Naps may be the simple solution.

It May Help Guard Against Diabetes

Sleep can be closely tied to diabetes.  In a study from the University of Chicago, researchers found that when men slept only 4.5 hours per day for four days, the level of fatty acids in their blood was higher.  This has the potential of raising blood sugar levels as compared to those who slept 8.5 hours.  More sleep is thought to be able to reverse this problem.  Since so many people are in a crunch and fall short on sleep, naps can come in handy here.

It May Protect from Alzheimer's

A lot of us are aware of many of the problems with dementia these days.  It seems to be increasingly common.  A Johns Hopkins University study indicated that when people failed to get enough sleep, they had increased levels of B-amyloid in their brains.  This is a plaque associated with Alzheimer's disease.  A good thing is that when we sleep, our brain has the ability to sort of clean itself.  If a nap can help to avoid Alzheimer's, it is certainly worth a try.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Reno, Nev.

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