7 Tips for Avoiding the Flu
By Reilly Chaffin
As winter closes in on us, we can’t help but fear we may be the next victim of the contagious (and rather frustrating) flu. However, by taking important and planned precautions, we can do our best to avoid it. Remember, when we’re healthy, we have less risk of getting sick. Here are some ways you may be able to dodge the flu bug this season.
Eat Right
Implement foods that are high in disease fighting vitamins and antioxidants. Some of these foods include:
- Blueberries - They’re high in Vitamin C and packed with antioxidants. Enjoy them on your morning oatmeal, in a salad or on their own throughout the day.
- Broccoli - Filled with Vitamins K and C, broccoli keeps your blood healthy and fight off diseases. Have a cup of broccoli daily either raw or cooked.
- Spinach - High in Vitamins A and K, spinach fights off sickness and keeps your heart strong.
- Edamame- A great snack, edamame is filled with protein, antioxidants and fiber. They help clear us out and keep us strong.
- Brazil nuts - Packed with minerals and a great source of selenium, brazil nuts fight that sluggish winter depression.
Lower Alcohol Intake
Sure, we all love a great glass of wine, but taking a break from drinking will help keep you healthy. Not only does alcohol decrease your immune system but it also interferes with your sleep patterns.
Drink Tea
Green and black tea are filled with antioxidants and are the perfect treat to keep you warm. Add some honey and lemon to your tea to benefit even more. Honey is naturally antibacterial while lemon thins mucus.
Stay Clean
Not only should you keep your house clean, but keep your office and car clean as well. Any space that is frequented by others should be sanitized regularly to decrease risk of illness. If you go to the gym often, make sure you bring a clean towel and wipe down machines before use. Be sure to wipe your phone clean every night to remove germs; not only does your phone pick up germs from the air, but it also collects germs from your own mouth, ears and skin.
Be Handy
When going to the store or to appointments, make sure you bring your own pen with you to avoid germs. If you have some tissues in your purse, use one to open public doors, especially at your children’s school; door handles are touched by hundreds of people daily. If you’re walking up public stairs, try to avoid railings or use a tissue.
The more stress we’re under, the lower our immune system. Take extra time for yourself. Relax if you’re feeling tired, sleep in when you can, and stay in on a Friday night instead of forcing yourself to attend a social obligation.
Sweat When You Can
Though it's important to relax, sweating can be just as good for you. It cleans out your body of toxins and keeps your nervous system and heart healthy.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chapel Hill, N.C.