How to Break a Bad Mood and Feel Better Now
By Genevieve Cunningham
You can't get through life without a few bad moods. Even kids get bad moods sometimes -- it's just the nature of life. For the most part, a bad mood passes on its own. We get over whatever situation put us in our poor condition in the first place, and life goes on. But other times, it seems like the bad mood just won't go away. And when this happens, it's a problem. If you need to break a bad mood for work, health, or life in general, take a look at these tips to help you do it right now.
Get Up and Move
Bad moods thrive on inactivity. If you're in a bad mood and you sit around pouting, the mood certainly isn't going to get any better. The best course of action is to get up and get moving. Go for a walk, do some yoga, join an exercise class. Or if you're not keen on exercise, consider simply partaking in an active hobby. Activity is a good mood's best friend. Get active to beat bad moods and to stabilize your mood on a daily basis.
Get Away From Social Media
Social media is one of the worst things for your mood -- and for your mental health in general. Research is proving time and again that extended social media use heightens the risk of depression, anxiety, destabilized moods, and general unhappiness. We're addicted to it, and when we don't get our fix, the mood gets worse. If you want a boost in mood, you have to step away from social media. You have to put the phone down and do something else. The more you break the addiction and get away from social media, the better your mood and mental health and overall life will be.
Get Face-to-Face Interaction
So much of our lives are online. Between work and social media and text messages, we get less face-to-face time than ever before. If you're feeling low, meet with one of your family members or friends. Go for coffee or see a movie together or just get together at home. That face-to-face interaction can do wonders for your mood -- and for your overall happiness. Don't hide behind a screen with a poor mood; get some interaction with loved ones to turn it around.
You're not going to get through life without suffering a few bad moods. It's a completely normal part of life, and it's nothing to be scared or ashamed of. But if bad moods are keeping you down or interfering with life, it's time to put an end to it. Use these tips to turn a bad mood around and to feel better than ever in your health and life.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chapel Hill, N.C.