Pain Can Take the Fun out of Recreation
By Tom Herrin
People need balance in their lives. When they work, or have an otherwise busy schedule, they need something that can divert their attention. When it is something that can turn into enjoyment, it may become an even greater motivator. Those outlets are certainly beneficial to overall health. Whether it is tennis, golf, bowling, or whatever, overuse of the body parts needed to play can turn into a lot of pain. If pain deflates your enthusiasm for your new activity, a trip to a chiropractor may be exactly what is needed to put a smile back on your face.
Games Can Get Painful
When people become excited as they pursue something new, they have a tendency to spend a little more time than they are prepared for in this new activity. The result may be overuse. When this happens, the muscles are overworked and strained. As this eventually is shifted to the base of most movement in the body, the spine, a joint dysfunction may occur in which pressure is placed on a nerve. This causes pain. It can be a nagging pain that is present regardless of position or physical stress.
Chiropractors Can Put Things in Place
When people go to a chiropractor, they will likely receive an adjustment in which the injured joint is gently manipulated so that it is restored to its optimal position. When this happens, the pressure is removed from the nerve causing the pain. The pain is relieved. This natural means of pain relief is done without pain medication, so there is no risk of addiction. It is often a much faster recovery as well, meaning a quicker return to work or other activity helping avoid lost time. A chiropractor may also suggest some exercises to help strengthen the muscles that support the joint.
Regular Chiropractic Care May Mean Better Health
For those who enjoy the relief that chiropractors can provide, they may seek to receive treatments on a regular basis. This may keep joints working well and help avoid further injury. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans for busy people. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary at any of their more than 400 locations nationwide. If your new outlet suddenly turns painful, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic and put the fun back into recreation.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Raleigh, N.C.