How You Can Bring Positivity to Your Year
By Donna Stark
Sick and tired of what this year has brought so far and just want to wish it away? You're not alone! Many of us feel the same way, but don't lose hope. With some healthy habits, a little bit of mindfulness, and a sprinkling of feng shui, the ending to this year could be bright. And since October is Emotional Wellness Month, there is no better time to turn things around than now. Are you ready to add some positivity to your days? Keep reading for some surefire ways on how to end the year on a better note.
Accept Your Days for What They Are
Our days are like a bag of mixed nuts ... you never know what you will get. Some will be happy and easy, others will be upsetting and difficult, but no matter how your day presents itself, the key to success is finding some balance and accepting them for what they are. Communicate your feelings and needs, embrace your mistakes and learn from them, set priorities and goals, and connect with those around you.
Nurture Relationships
Nurturing the important relationships in your life is a great way to achieve emotional wellness but that doesn't mean you need to surround yourself with scores of people. Small interactions with your loved ones, neighbors, or social media book club are perfectly fine and may be more appropriate with social distancing guidelines, too.
Eat, Drink, and Sleep Well
You can't expect to feel emotionally well if you aren't taking care of your body's physical needs, so ditch those unhealthy meals and snacks, and prioritize your sleep! Adding more fresh greens, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and water to your diet and getting the recommended hours of quality sleep every night will help ensure optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.
Stay Active
You know that daily exercise gets the body's endorphins going so what's keeping you from moving? Lace up your shoes and go for a walk, invest in a good yoga mat, or pull out your bike from the garage. By challenging yourself to some moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, you may be surprised by how well you feel overall!
Create an Oasis
There's a reason why people travel to the far corners of the Earth just to experience a little bit of paradise ... it's good for the soul. Turn any space in your home into a sanctuary with cozy furniture, candles, blankets, plants, and artwork. It's a great way to encourage relaxation after a long day at work.
Supporting Wellness
The tips above shouldn't just be used for Emotional Wellness Month. Follow them throughout the entire year for optimal health and encourage your loved ones to do the same! It's time to change the direction this year has been heading!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Raleigh, N.C.