3 Ways to Improve Your Body's Flexibility
By Genevieve Cunningham
Flexibility is something that we take for granted in our youth and then quickly miss as we get older. It seems like one day we can touch our toes with no effort, and the next we can barely reach our knees. What happened? The important thing about flexibility is that you have to work at it. You have to work to keep and improve your body's ability to move, especially as the years go by. But how? If you want to improve your overall flexibility and mobility, take a look at these tips to incorporate into your routine starting right now.
Warm Up
When it comes to working out, we often skip one of the most important parts of the routine: the warm-up. Instead, we do a quick stretch and jump right into the meat of the routine. But this can actually harm your body, and it does absolutely nothing for your range of motion. Instead, get in a good stretch, do a light jog, and really warm up your muscles before beginning your workout routine. Though this may not seem like a big deal, engaging in a solid warm-up will help loosen the muscles and improve flexibility during your workout and beyond.
Stretch, Stretch, Stretch
Do you stretch often? A lot of people only stretch just before a workout. While it's good to stretch before working out, we have multiple chances every day to really stretch our bodies and elongate the muscles. The more we stretch, the better flexibility we're going to have. Wake up in the morning and stretch. When you're watching TV, sit down on the floor and stretch. Stretch, stretch, and then stretch some more. At first, it will feel like a chore, but after some time passes, you may find that you really enjoy the process of stretching and the fitness results that come with it.
Push A Little Further
When we get into a stretching routine that we like, we tend to stick with it. We don't deviate from what works. For the most part, that's OK, but at some point, we have to push our bodies just a little further. Hold the stretch a little longer. Reach a little further toward your knee. Don't hurt yourself, but push yourself! Over time, you'll be able to stretch more deeply which significantly improves your body's flexibility and range of motion.
Flexibility affects so much more than we realize. When we can't move freely, we risk injury, pain, and missing out on the action of life. Use these tips to improve your flexibility, and watch your body transform to look and feel better than ever before.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Oklahoma City, Okla.