Chiropractic Care for a Healthy Summer
By Donna Stark
Well, I am already starting to hear the conversations. The ones about summer vacations and summer plans. "Where is everyone going? What is everyone looking forward to? How are we going to keep the kids busy?" For many, summer means variety ... there's the gardening, the sports, the swimming, and the extra-long walks along the beach ... while for others, summertime means body aches and pain. Pain that occurs because the body's muscles are being used in a completely different way than how they were used all winter. So you need to start preparing your body now, because a summer filled with a ton of variety is so much better than one filled with a lot of injuries, and you can start that preparation at The Joint Chiropractic.
Get Your Body Ready for Summer
New activities, different types of exercises, and extra travel during the summer can lead to added fatigue and stress on your body. It is almost certain that you will be using your body in different ways during the warmer months than you did during the colder months, so it is important to start thinking about how to prepare your body now for a healthy summer season. Here are some tips.
- Spinal adjustment - Getting your spine adjusted by your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic is the perfect choice for proactive, conservative healthcare. Your chiropractor will position your spine in its proper placement, loosen any tight muscles, restore joint function, alleviate pain, and speed the healing and recovery process of injuries.
- Stretches and exercise - Many injuries occur when the body's muscles are weak and have been pushed past their limit or when they haven't been properly warmed up. You can avoid that by learning how to stretch the correct way now and incorporating some exercises that will mimic your specific movements during the summer.
- Nutrition and lifestyle - Consuming a healthy diet will provide your body with all of the nutrients and energy needed for the wide variety of physical activities and sports that summer brings. You also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle too, so that your body isn't put under any additional stress. Maintain a healthy weight, prioritize sleep, and keep yourself hydrated!
Enjoy Your Summer
When we think of our summer plans, we usually don't picture ourselves or our loved ones lying in bed sick or injured, do we? What we usually see is our family and friends laughing, staying active, and enjoying their time together, so start preparing now by heading on in to The Joint Chiropractic. With more than 450 locations nationwide, extended hours, and no appointment or referral necessary, it couldn't be any easier to start your summer off healthy and pain-free!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Portland, Ore.