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Signs You Need a Break From the Screen

By Genevieve Cunningham

We love screens. As a society, screens have all but taken over our lives. We use phones, tablets, computers. We watch TV and play video games. We are absolutely consumed by screens. For the most part, as long as you have a little balance in your life, a little time in front of a screen isn't all that bad. But what happens when we spend too much time in front of a screen? How do we know when enough is enough and we need a break? If you spend a lot of time on technology, take a look at these signs that you need a break from screens today.

Your Eyes Hurt

The screen can be really bad for the eyes. It strains them, and the more time we spend looking at a screen, the more damage is done. If you've noticed pain in your eyes or especially red eyes, the screens that you're using may be the culprit. The solution? Give your eyes -- and the screen -- a little rest. 

You're Having Headaches

Headaches can come about for a wide variety of reasons, and the screen is definitely on the list. If your screen time is causing eye strain, as discussed above, then the eye pain could contribute to the headache. But even without eye strain, too much time behind a screen can trigger a headache. If you've been spending a lot of time with your technological device, you may notice an increase in either frequency or severity of headaches, or for an unlucky few, both. The solution? A pain pill can help deal with the pain now, but only cutting back will prevent them from returning. 

You're Irritable

Too much screen time can make us grumpy. You may not have noticed this before, but if you've ever been around children, then you know that this is without a doubt true. Screens zap energy, constantly stimulate the brain, and tire us out. If we've been spending a lot of time with one, we may feel quite irritable. You may need to decompress with some exercise to beat this feeling, and then manage your screen time more carefully moving forward. 

Technology and screens and the world they open up to us are all great. But there are limits. Spend too much time behind a screen, and you may experience negative side effects. Learn to balance your use, and you can enjoy technology and keep your health intact too.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pittsburgh, Pa.

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