3 Ways to Protect Dry Skin in Winter
By Genevieve Cunningham
Dry skin. We're in the thick of the winter months, which means you're probably dealing with at least a little bit of dry skin. While dry skin isn't a serious health concern, it's definitely uncomfortable. You may notice an ashy appearance, or your skin may itch. Luckily, there are ways to deal with dry skin, especially in the cold months of the year. If you're ready to soothe your skin and protect it all year long, take a look at these tips.
You must moisturize your skin. This is true for all times of the year, and it's true for every person, male or female. The skin needs moisture, and while your body can provide a little bit of natural moisture, it can't provide all that you need. Choose a good moisturizer -- whether it's a lotion, coconut oil, or skin butter -- and apply it first thing in the morning. In a few hours, apply it again. And then again. After your shower or before bed? One more time. It may take a while for your skin to completely adjust, but you'll quickly notice your skin becoming velvety soft and supple with the regular application of a good moisturizer.
Drink More Water
We often forget to drink water in the winter -- we sweat less and don't feel as much heat, so we simply don't feel thirsty. Because of this, a lot of people are actually in danger of dehydration in the winter. And dehydration contributes to dry skin. To slow the rate of your dry skin, drink more water than you think you need. Drink at least eight glasses per day, even if you're not feeling particularly thirsty. While you may still notice some dry skin due to temperature and wind, hydrating your body will definitely minimize the effects.
Lower the Shower Temperature
It's so tempting to crank up the temperature of the shower during the winter months. It's just so cold outside! But hotter water temperatures in the winter actually contribute to drying out your skin. You don't have to take a cold shower, but you don't need it to be scalding hot either. Settle for a slightly warmer than lukewarm shower, and you should be able to stay warm without damaging your skin any further.
Healthy skin looks and feels better. If your skin is constantly dry, then it's not as healthy as it could be. Use these tips to moisturize, replenish, and protect your skin. With some proactive care, you can protect your skin both now and long into the future.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Charleston, S.C.