Why Am I Always So Tired?
By Randi Morse
It's extremely annoying to try to go to bed at a decent enough hour that you can get the amount of sleep most doctors recommend only to wake up still feeling tired. Feeling tired all the time can directly impact your daily life. It can make it much harder to concentrate and may even put you at risk of injury if you are driving while you are fatigued. But what is causing you to be so tired all the time?
Getting Sleep
So you've gone to bed at 10 p.m., and awakened about 6 a.m. This is the amount of sleep adults are recommended to achieve, so why do you still feel tired? It's likely because you have not kept a consistently good sleep routine. While it is good to give your body some extra sleep now and again, you can't sleep extra for a day or two and expect that to make up for all the other nights that you only got six hours or less of sleep. It is much better to keep a solid sleep routine than it is to try to cram all your sleep into one or two days.
Stop Napping
Almost every day my husband comes home from work only to fall asleep while watching television in the evening hours. Yet, he can't seem to figure out why he is always so tired. This is due to the napping. When you nap, it is telling your body that you are getting the sleep you need in order to function properly. This tricks your mind into thinking you don't need sleep, which then makes it harder to get a solid night's rest. Try to avoid regularly napping, and instead focus on building the solid sleep routine we already discussed. This doesn't mean that you can't take a nap every once in a while on a Sunday, but if you are napping more than a few times a month it could easily be affecting your fatigue.
Your Lifestyle
There was a study completed that showed that people who have a regular exercise program actually sleep better, and feel less fatigue, than those who have a sedentary lifestyle. The USA Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests that we should be getting close to three hours of activity all week.
There are a number of things that can cause you to have constant fatigue, but if you have been trying different sleep techniques, and have established a solid sleep routine and you still feel fatigued, it is a good idea to speak with your physician.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Mill, S.C.