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Make Mental Health Resolutions for the New Year

By Brandi Goodman 

The new year provides a time to start over. You have the perfect opportunity to be out with the old and in with the new if you desire. Make mental health for resolutions first so you can get your mind right and be sure you're as mentally strong as ever to help yourself become the best version of yourself possible.

Opt for More "Me Time"

"Me time" means taking time for yourself doing the things you enjoy. It gets you away from the world and helps you decompress from everything you have going on. Too many people spend all their time surrounded by others except maybe when they're in bed. Get some alone time with yourself reading, drawing, playing a game, watching a funny video, or just doing anything in general that you love. It can help tremendously with stress and feeling as though you don't have the weight of anyone else's expectations on your shoulders in that moment.

Set a Self-Care Plan for Bad Days

There's going to be times when you have a bad day. No matter what you've been doing or trying there will inevitably be those moments where you just don't feel quite right. Life seems too hard and your to-do list feels too long. That's OK. You're allowed to have struggling moments where you just need to take time away from it all. But you should still have a self-care plan that you can follow. These should be basic tasks that ensure you get out of bed and at least do the minimal amount to take care of yourself. It can help you avoid a full-on depressive state. Brushing your teeth, changing your clothes, eating something, or taking a shower can all be tasks on your self-care plan. 

Try a New Hobby

You may find it tough to find time for a hobby you enjoy. There's so many responsibilities you have to focus your time on. Try a new hobby anyways. Make the time in your schedule for this time so you can have something beneficial for your mental well-being. A hobby you enjoy is great for your "me time" or can even be something you do with friends. Taking up a fitness class, going hiking, and knitting are just a few options. Volunteering is an even greater choice that lets you boost your self-esteem as you also help others.

A healthy mindset can really help you meet your goals. Work on your mental health resolutions in the new year first before starting on other objectives. It will help you feel mentally prepared and better able to reach your potential achievements.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rock Hill, S.C.

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