Lifting Weights to Feel Younger
By Donna Stark
The allure is there. So are the promises. It's what keeps people coming back for more, month after month, year after year. In fact, anti-aging products, programs, and plans are here to stay. It's hard to venture into any store or mall without having a product jump off of its shelf, claiming to make you look and feel younger than what you really are. From creams and lotions, to special diet plans, to magic pills, it seems that all the bases are covered and that the capture of your youthful self once again is right around the corner, right? Well, perhaps, but if you really want the best method to slow the aging process, then you need to head to your local gym.
Lift Weights Instead!
Lifting weights is one of the best anti-aging methods around, so why are you spending your hard-earned money on a lotion that can't even guarantee its results when you should be heading to your local gym instead? On top of that, think of all the other benefits you would receive by getting in some extra exercise! Take a look at just a few of the reasons why you should spend some time at the gym in place of spending your time at a beauty counter.
- Retain muscle mass - There really isn't any need for you to lift massive amounts of weight in the gym, but you do need to have enough muscle strength to be able to live independently and take care of yourself as you get older. Lifting weights can help you avoid the breakdown of muscle that occurs during the aging process by keeping them toned and strong.
- Protect bone strength - Protect your bones and reduce your chances of developing osteoporosis by lifting weights regularly. You don't even have to lift a lot of weight. Just get in the gym or lift at home on a regular basis!
- Improve concentration - This may be surprising to some, but lifting weights can actually help you improve your cognitive skills. The focus and concentration that you use while working out and maintaining proper form can easily be carried over into so many other aspects of your life. You aren't just exercising your body at the gym, you are exercising your brain too!
- Better posture - When most people think of a person who is advanced in their years, they picture someone hunched over, walking with a cane, and appearing to be inches shorter than what they once were. That's what time and lifestyles do to us, but you can avoid looking like that by lifting weights! The more time you spend at the gym lifting weights, the better your posture becomes.
Preserve Your Body
The best way to stay young is to preserve your body as much as you can! So toss those lotions and creams, and hit the gym for all-over, anti-aging results! In addition to looking better, you will start to feel better too!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Spartanburg, S.C.