Safety Tips for Outdoor Running
By Donna Stark
You're committed to your gym workouts and you never miss a day on the treadmill, but now that the weather is more conducive to those outdoor runs, you're thinking that it might be nice to head outside, and that's great news! There is nothing like running while the sun is coming up or when the sun is starting to set and there is definitely nothing like exercising in all of nature's splendor. But there are some things to take into consideration before you leave the indoors and make this transition. Things that have one very important and common link ... your safety!
Running Outdoors
Outdoor running is an incredible workout filled with amazing benefits, but before you start this type of exercise, you need to prepare! Here are the extra things you need to consider that you didn't have to worry about when you were safely running in your local gym or on the treadmill in your bedroom. Take a look.
- Be seen - No matter time of day you're running, it's critical that you are clearly visible to others, especially to drivers. Make sure you are wearing reflective or bright-colored clothes and stay vigilant when sharing the road because unfortunately, you can't count on them staying vigilant for you.
- Don't run alone at night - Grab a friend or significant other if you are going to run at night. Remember, there is safety in numbers, and even though you may feel totally comfortable running in the area you choose, it certainly doesn't hurt to have someone by your side.
- Carry identification - This is for those emergency situations that hopefully will never happen, but that you may find yourself in the middle of. So just to be safe, carry your driver's license and your medical insurance card in a pocket or wear some other form of identification.
- Limit distractions - It's easy and still relatively safe to throw in your earplugs and run on a treadmill while listening to your favorite music, but when you are outdoors, it is better to limit that type of distraction. Cutting off your sense of hearing can put you in vulnerable positions and your safety could easily be compromised. So take in the sounds of nature instead and save the music for the gym.
Getting Fit and Staying Safe
Transitioning to the outdoors for your daily run isn't that difficult, but it does require some planning. And if you really think about it, the extra planning is simply just some common sense tips. So go ahead, grab those running shoes, and enjoy the great outdoors!
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