How Your Diet is Holding You Back
By Genevieve Cunningham
Diet is important, there's no doubt about it. Most people are aware of some basic diet rules. Eat more greens. Drink more water. Don't live on sweets. But even when we follow the basics, most of us have room for improvement. For a lot of people though, diet isn't necessarily a huge concern. They feel like they're doing well enough. The problem arises when diet actually gets in the way of life. When it holds you back and keeps you from being your best self. If you suspect your diet isn't as good as it should be, take a look at these ways it may be holding you back -- plus some tips for getting back on track.
It's Zapping Your Energy
Food has the ability to give you energy or to take it away. And this energy is greatly influenced by what goes into your mouth. If you're filling your body with junk, you're probably unknowingly zapping the energy from your body. It will become sluggish and rundown. But on the reverse, nutritious food can help you build your energy reserve. You'll feel more awake and energetic as you improve your diet. If you've noticed an energy depletion happening in your life, take a look at your diet, and you may find the culprit.
It's Preventing Weight Loss
Most people have hit the proverbial plateau at one point or another during the weight loss process. While this can certainly be a natural and normal occurrence, it can also be caused by a slip in diet habits. You may be having just a little more sugar than you intended. You may be sneaking an occasional soda or a second helping every other night. While these seem like innocent slips, they can really add up. If your weight loss has been stalled, the first place to look is at your diet. Clean up the diet, and you'll likely clean up your waistline as well.
It's Killing Your Mental Health
We already know that food affects physical health, but many are surprised to find that it affects mental health as well. Food that is bad for our bodies is probably also bad for our minds. It might make it difficult to concentrate. It might cause acne or weight gain -- which then contributes to poor self-esteem. Food fuels and nourishes the entire body, mind included. Eat good food, feel good in your body, and strengthen your mind in the process as well.
Diet is a critical part of a healthy life. A poor diet leads to poor health and multiple negative side effects. A good diet leads to much better health and an overall sense of wellness. Choose your food wisely. The better you eat, the better you'll feel, and the easier it will be to maintain overall health in your future.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Summerville, S.C.