Activities That Help You Relax and Unwind
By Genevieve Cunningham
We don't often treat it this way, but taking the time to relax and unwind is extremely important. Without this time, we allow stress to build upon itself until it takes over our bodies and minds. And unsurprisingly, too much stress is really bad for our overall health. But for many people, taking time to relax feels impossible. Between work and family and a million obligations, there's just not enough time for relaxation. So what can we do? We have to really plan it into our day, and if possible, we have to combine it with activities that we'll actually do. If you need more rest in your life, take a look at these activities that can help lower stress and keep you healthier moving forward.
Low-Impact Exercise
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. But let's be honest: Many of us are not prepared to do a high intensity routine. And honestly, intense workouts can create more stress if you're not ready for them. Instead, choose a workout that is extremely low-impact. Go for a walk. Do gentle yoga in your living room. Take a relaxing swim. These kinds of exercises help to burn off stress and relax the body, and they can keep you in shape too. It's a win-win all the way around, so find exercise that you enjoy, and make it a habit in your life.
A Hobby That Engages the Mind
To reduce stress, we need to get our mind thinking about something else other than work and problems. A great way to do this is with a hobby, and preferably one that really engages the mind. Maybe you could get into completing puzzles. This can be done anytime of the day or night, can include family and friends, and can be extremely relaxing. Or maybe you could sit with a crossword puzzle or a word search. Or maybe you would enjoy board games. There are so many things to involve yourself in. Choose something quiet, relaxing, and engaging, and you may not have to think about stress as often.
Get a Dog
Yes, it's true that a dog requires work. But if you enjoy animals, then it will be work that makes you happy. Dogs provide unlimited love and loyalty. They also require exercise and attention. At the end of the day, you can take your dog to the park or for a walk. This gives you some low-impact exercise, keeps your dog healthy, and gives you some play time with man's best friend. It's a great way to stay active and manage stress. If you choose to go this route, check out your local animal clinic to adopt your furry friend.
Relaxation is key in life. We need to be able to relax, unwind, and really lower stress on a regular basis. You may be surprised at what a big difference this makes in your everyday life! Use these activities to get you started on the right path, and enjoy the better health and quality of life that comes with persistent self-care.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Collierville, Tenn.