Lack of Sleep Can Hurt More Than You May Think
By Paul Rothbart
It's a commonly known fact that sleep is important. No one would dispute that. Even with that knowledge, there are many people who don't get enough sleep or sleep of sufficient quality. When they get busy, people tend to find more time by reducing how long they sleep. They are aware it's not good for them but may not realize how many negative health effects can be caused by poor sleep. The list may be eye-opening.
Excess Stress
Life will always come with some stress, there's no getting around that. Sleep deprivation can significantly increase your stress levels. During sleep is when the brain refreshes itself. If the brain doesn't have enough time to do that, you may find yourself feeling extremely anxious. Chronic stress is very harmful to both mental and physical health. This effect of poor sleep can be very damaging.
You May Feel Confused
A brain that has not had enough quality sleep is not going to function optimally. This can cause you to feel confused. If sleep deprivation continues over several nights, the confusion can become severe. You may not be able to process information and function at work. Even a simple conversation may be more than you can handle. Constant confusion can wreak havoc with every aspect of your life.
Feeling Fatigued
Obviously, if you are not sleeping well you're going to feel tired. After one night of poor sleep, you may feel merely tired. But sleep debt adds up just like monetary debt. You quickly become fatigued. You may not have the energy to do anything. Getting behind at work and with household chores compounds the stress you are already feeling. Within a few days, you can be completely exhausted.
Less Effective Immune System
Your immune system is one of the most important in your body. It's what keeps you from getting sick and helps you recover when you do. Sleep deprivation negatively impacts lymphocytic activity which lessens the effectiveness of your immune system. You may find yourself getting ill more frequently.
Negative Emotions
Everyone experiences negative emotions sometimes but when you're not sleeping well, it can be constant. You may find yourself subject to angry outbursts or crying jags. You can even end up depressed. All of these emotions can be harmful to your health and your relationships.
When health experts talk about the importance of sleep, they are not exaggerating. Sleep deprivation can harm your mental and physical health in many ways. Don't skimp on sleep.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Memphis, Tenn.