Pain-Free Gardening With Chiropractic Care
By Donna Stark
Does your garden supply more pain to your back than it does produce to your table? Do you find that what was once a favorite pastime is now turning into an uncomfortable chore? Gardening can certainly be a relaxing hobby to many but make no mistake, it involves a lot of work. And the level of maintenance your garden requires can be taxing on the body, especially for those who suffer from low back pain. If pain is pushing you out of the garden and onto your couch with a heating pad in tow, it's time to do something about it! Here are a few tips on how to take care of your plants safely.
Get Adjusted
Ideally, you should see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic whenever you change your physical activity, and that includes gardening. The way you put your body to work in the winter is different than how you put it to work in the spring and summer, so take the time and get yourself adjusted today! And don't worry if the summer is already half over either because it's never too late to establish regular visits. From the moment you start, chiropractic care can:
- Alleviate back and neck pain
- Improve your range of motion, flexibility, and balance
- Improve joint and muscle function
- Reduce allergy symptoms
Maybe you think stretching is something you only do before an intense workout, but do you remember what I said about all the physical work that is required to maintain your garden? Gardening isn't just about bending over to pick a few berries, it's a physically demanding job! So warm your body up with some stretches so that you can reduce the risk of injuring yourself in the berry patch
Lift and Bend Properly
Lifting and bending properly can help prevent injuries with any type of physical activity, so keep up that good habit while in your garden. And just in case that good habit has slipped your mind, here are a few tips to freshen your memory.
- Bend at the knees and waist
- Keep your back in a neutral position
- Know your limits and lift only what you can
- Don't make any unexpected twists or turns
- Hold the object close to your body
- Keep your pathways clear of obstacles
Pain-Free Gardening
If at any point you experience pain, put down your tools, grab your keys, and head on over to The Joint Chiropractic right away! Because with more than 450 locations nationwide, daily hours, and no appointment required, ending that pain and finding relief couldn't be any easier! And the sooner you do that, the sooner you can get back to filling your table with produce!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Dallas, Tex.