Chiropractic Can Help Keep Your Bones Healthy
By Sandy Schroeder
As you move through your 30s or 40s, it's smart to protect your bones to avoid fractures and keep bones strong for the long haul. The more bone strength you generate now, the fewer problems you may have later. Chiropractic can help you stay on track.
Chiropractic can make sure everything happens that should happen. The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you staffs a wellness center with doctors of chiropractic who are well equipped to help. They help people of all ages plot the best wellness strategies every day.
When you come in, your chiropractor will ask about your daily routines and health history. A bone density test might be recommended, and gentle spinal adjustments can help you pull everything together. The spine keeps us mobile, and the central nervous system inside provides the brain-to-body communication that we need. When the spine is healthy our bones may be healthier too.
On the Path to Wellness
Weekly 15-minute spinal adjustments may turn out to be the next step to keep your bones healthy. This may be the perfect platform to stay active to keep your bones strong. Your chiropractor can help you pick the right exercises and monitor your progress to avoid any glitches. You might even consider bringing in your whole family to make sure everybody is covered.
At the same time, here are more steps from Mayo Clinic to keep your bones strong and healthy.
Include calcium in your diet - The recommended dose for adults is 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. Add broccoli, sardines, canned salmon with bones, sardines, almonds and tofu to your diet. You can also talk with your doctor about supplements if you are not getting enough calcium in your diet.
Don't smoke and limit alcohol - If you are smoking, stop. If you drink, know the limits. Women should only have one drink a day and men should keep their limit to two.
Stay active every day - Walking, jogging and climbing stairs are all good weight-bearing exercises that build strong bones. Yoga and strength training exercises work too. Add some resistance exercises in the evening and count on some of the lifting and toting in household tasks to help too.
When you are ready to protect your bones, stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Clinics are open weekends and evenings and walk-ins are welcome. Affordable personal healthcare plans and packages eliminate the hassle of insurance.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in.Dallas, Tex.