Rejuvenate Your Workout for Spring
By Donna Stark
It's time for a celebration! Spring is finally here and as always, it's going to breathe new life into everything around us. Aren't you excited for all of the new beginnings that will take place in the upcoming weeks? The awakening of slumbering animals, the beauty of new flowers ... so many things will be starting over with a fresh slate, but let's not forget the biggest fresh slate of all. You! Because if you are anything like those sleepy animals, you may have spent the winter hibernating in your home, but now it's time to change course. It's time to celebrate your life, start fresh, and get your fitness routine back on track.
Starting Fresh With Your Workouts
There are many reasons why fitness hibernation sets in during the winter, and if it has caused you to dread your workouts, fall short of your health goals, or run out of energy, then it's a good thing that spring has finally arrived! Now is the perfect time to rejuvenate your fitness routine and get back on track to optimal health. Here are some suggestions on how to do so.
- Change the time - Getting bored with your morning jog? Change the time that you work out! There is no better way to make something feel new than to do it during a different time of the day. And even though you may still be choosing the same form of exercise, it will feel like a whole new experience!
- Go shopping - A new outfit, some better running shoes ... nothing is better than clearing out the old and bringing in the new, especially if it has to do with what's hanging in your closet. Give your workout wardrobe a fresh look and if you can, splurge on the items you would wear if you truly believed in your goals. Then go ahead and reach them!
- Try something new - If you are getting bored with the fitness class you are taking right now, uncommit! Sometimes it's not that we grow tired of exercise, it's that we actually grow tired of the monotony, so consider trying a different type of class!
- Plan it - We all know that if it's not written in ink on the calendar, it doesn't exist, so plan your workouts in advance. A couple of times a week is just enough to maintain your overall health and wellness.
- Find your motivation - Well, with spring here already, we know that summer is right around the corner and for many, that is motivation enough to pump up their workouts. But that's just one example. It doesn't matter where you find your motivation, just as long as you do.
Rejuvenate Your Workout, Refresh Your Health
Sometimes all it takes to refresh your routine are simple and small changes. So leave those winter blues behind, put a spring in your step, and then go ahead and celebrate your fresh start for better health!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.