Will a Pinched Nerve Go Away By Itself?
By Sara Butler
A pinched nerve is a very painful experience. If you’re active, then having a pinched nerve can make it difficult to go through the daily motions of life -- which is why you should seek out professional help if you suspect you have one. The chiropractors at The Joint have dealt with their fair share of patients with pinched nerves and one very common question is if a pinched nerve can go away on its own. Here’s what you need to know about pinched nerves and how to treat them.
What Causes a Pinched Nerve?
When a nerve in your body becomes compressed or caught between two structures, such as tendons or bone, then it is referred to as pinched. This can cause significant pain that travels down an extremity, making movement difficult.
The symptoms of a pinched nerve include:
- Pain in the area of the pinched nerve
- Radiating pain
- Tingling or numbness
- Burning sensation
- Weakness
If you notice any of these symptoms, discuss them with your chiropractor at The Joint right away!
Can it Go Away on Its Own?
Most of the time, you won’t need groundbreaking surgeries to heal from a pinched nerve. But in order for them to heal and for the pain to go away, you do have to take action. After all, there’s a good chance the pinched nerve was a result of overuse, athletic activities, postural issue, or some other lifestyle factor that must be addressed for healing to take place. The chiropractors at The Joint often suggest one or all of the following to help your body heal when suffering from a pinched nerve:
- Use ice and heat – Ice can work to help reduce inflammation and ease the pain while moist heat can help encourage circulation once the inflammation has passed
- Exercise and stretches – You may have a muscular imbalance contributing to the problem or tight tendons that are making things worse; once the problem is identified, stretches and exercise can be given to you to help improve your condition
- Chiropractic adjustment – If a joint restriction or dysfunction is contributing to your pinched nerve, the chiropractors at The Joint can help resolve those issues and allow your body to heal itself
- Avoid overuse – Pay attention to repetitive actions, especially involving the affected area
So, while a pinched nerve may not be able to spontaneously heal on its own, that doesn't mean there's no hope! Talk to a chiropractor at The Joint today to help!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.