Chiropractic Advice for Athletes of All Ages
By Brandi Goodman
The goal is to move in May with National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Chiropractors have some advice for athletes of all ages and how they can keep their bodies safe and healthy in preparation for playing, during the game, and after. Use this advice any time you're ready to participate in a sport or try some physical activity.
Stretch Before and After
Before any physical activity you need to stretch your body. This helps to improve the flexibility of your joints and ensure you can handle the rigorous workout ahead. You should also stretch after you're finished so your body has a chance to recuperate and cool down. A few simple stretches are all it takes, but they must be done.
Stay Hydrated
Your joints also need hydration if they're going to remain flexible and free from injury. Staying hydrated throughout a game, training session, or other physical activity is incredibly important. You also want to make sure you've had some water before you start and finish your cool down with another drink. This will allow your body to better handle the workload you're putting it through.
Wear Safety Gear
One of the biggest reasons for injury is not wearing the right safety gear. If you're playing football without a helmet and get tackled, for example, then you have a higher possibility of getting a concussion. This can lead to traumatic brain injury. It's always advised to wear any and all safety gear so your body is protected while you play. This may be as simple as wearing the right shoes for some sports, such as basketball, where extra gear isn't worn.
See the Chiropractor
Chiropractic care should be part of every athlete's routine. You should visit before a big game to ensure any joint restrictions or subluxations are removed and your body has its full range of motion to utilize. You can also see your chiropractor after a game to make sure your spine is in alignment and you can recover from the strenuous workout easier.
Stop in at The Joint Chiropractic to get an adjustment and ensure your body is ready to play. Physical activity is necessary for a healthy lifestyle, but it can also take its toll on the body. Use chiropractic care in combination with these other pieces of advice and experience better game play.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.