Cycling Safely: Start With Chiropractic
By Brandi Goodman
Soul Cycle, spin class, ZYN ride -- these are just a few of the class names involving cycling. Every gym you go to will have its own version or two of the offering. No matter which you hope to try it's important that you're cycling safely. Start with chiropractic for a better ride.
Get Chiropractic Before Your Class
Before you begin a new cycling class it's important to see your chiropractor. An adjustment may be in order to help prepare your body. Any joint restrictions or subluxations can be repaired to ensure you have your full range of motion. You'll be able to perform to the best of your ability without already starting your ride with unexplained discomfort.
Follow Chiropractic Advice
Let your chiropractor know you'll be starting an exercise class and chances are you'll receive some great tips on how best to stay safe while you're participating. You may receive advice on stretches to do -- particularly focusing on the lower body. Stretching before starting each fitness class may help to prevent injury.
You may not think much about your shoulders when you're cycling since the legs are often the focus. Riders often hold tension in their shoulders and arms as they hold onto the handlebars and work hard to peddle their feet. Let the tension go and be sure to ride with your shoulders relaxed and not tensed up and tight. You may want to stretch out your arms before you start as well to help.
See a Chiropractor After Class
If you've finished your cycling class and you realize you're feeling much more than just a typical post-workout soreness, you might want to see your chiropractor. A little discomfort can be normal but you shouldn't be in complete pain. You may have pulled a muscle or overdid it if you cycled hard and fast. A chiropractor may be able to help, so stop in at The Joint Chiropractic.
Keep your body strong, healthy, and well with chiropractic and helpful tips so you can cycle in class and out of it easier. You want to be as prepared as possible and ensure your body can handle the ride. A spin class is a great way to get your lower body in shape but you need to do it in a safe way with some tips in mind. These work for bicycling outdoors as well.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.