Creativity and the Chiropractor?
By Randi Morse
One of the amazing things about the sciences is that there is always more to learn. Take chiropractic adjustments. It seems like it was only a handful of years ago that people thought visiting a chiropractor was as useful as visiting a snake oil salesman. The average person didn't realize exactly how many things a chiropractor could help with, and we're still discovering all the amazing things that a chiropractor can help us within our life. Not only can a chiropractor help you if you have a sore back, they may even help you to become more creative.
Unless you have a job or are passionate about the arts, you may think that you don't have a creative spirit. You would be amazed at how many tasks we do that require creativity. Cooking, for example, requires a great deal of creativity. Once you learn the basics, you can mix and saute to your heart's delight and create delicious dishes that have never been invented before. Sometimes it even takes a little creativity to figure out how to make sure all the bills are paid on time. But creativity is not something that is easy to command, as anyone who has ever had writer's block will tell you.
Chiropractic Adjustments and Creativity
The Chiropractic Journal of Australia in 2010 published the results of a study that were outstanding. The objective of this study was to see if chiropractic adjustment was able to help improve creativity. Researchers selected several subjects ranging between the ages of 10 and 62 years old. The researchers made sure that all their participants were involved in some sort of creative real-world task before, and after, chiropractic adjustments were made.
What they found is that chiropractic adjustments helped improve the performance of these creative people. The majority of the subjects discovered that they had a renewed energy and were able to focus better shortly after their chiropractic adjustment. Why would this happen? We're not quite sure, but one theory is that because the spine connects to all aspects of the body, the chiropractic adjustment opens the flow of creativity simply by ensuring that your spine is aligned properly, which then helps your entire body alignment as well. Or it may be that your body is uncomfortable due to misalignment and getting everything properly aligned enables your brain to work on creative tasks rather than having to fight back the pain.
If you find you've got writer's block or can't seem to finish the painting you've been working on for months, a trip to your local chiropractor may be the solution young looking for.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Houston, Tex.