Adding Blueberries to Your Menu
By Brandi Goodman
With National Blueberry Pancake Day falling to the end of January, National Blueberry Muffin Day arriving in July, and an entire month devoted to the fruit, it's a good idea to take a look at just what makes blueberries so worthwhile. The tiny bluish-purple berries provide health benefits galore.
Loaded With Antioxidants
Antioxidants are necessary if the body wants any hope of fighting off toxic cells that make their way inside. Many foods offer these antioxidants as a way to aid in defending the body against disease and illness. Blueberries are one of the biggest sources of antioxidants. They can be used to prevent cancer and boost the immune system.
Boosting Heart Health
The heart is one of the most vital organs within the body. You need to protect it at all costs if you have any hope of maintaining overall wellness. Blueberries work to lower blood pressure, prevent heart attacks, and help ensure the blood flows through your body efficiently. Each of these things on its own could help the tremendously. Combine them together and there's an even higher chance that you'll experience optimal cardiovascular health.
Improving Lung Function
The lungs need to remain healthy so people can maintain their breathing and avoid respiratory illnesses. Consuming blueberries over a period of time can help to improve lung function and ensure they remain strong. This is due to the anthocyanins within the fruit that act as antioxidants.
Preventing Cognitive Decline
The brain declines in health rapidly as we age. You may start to notice a drop in memory, trouble answering questions as quickly, or stumbling over trying to find the right word. The antioxidant properties found in blueberries prevent such a drastic cognitive decline. Eating some everyday can help your brain to continue to function at optimal level for as long as possible.
Choose Organic
Organic blueberries sold in stores are far better to purchase than the non-organic versions. They are less likely to be laced with pesticides and other harmful chemicals. If anything, you should truly be choosing wild blueberries found in their natural habitat. These are often far more potent with stronger antioxidant properties than the kinds found on store shelves.
Whether you add them to your pancake mix, muffins, yogurt, or cereal, or simply eat them alone, blueberries are going to give your health a big boost. You should get your dose in daily for a superfood addition to your menu that keeps you feeling well.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Kingwood, Tex.