Can a Chiropractor Help Insomnia?
By Randi Morse
How often do we, as adults, groan when we hear our young children say that they don't want to go to sleep? When we were little, we didn't want to sleep. We wanted to stay awake and experience everything that we could experience. As we age we realize that sleep is precious. There are so many things we need to do in a day that being able to take time enough for a nap seems like a holiday miracle. Many people suffer from insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. The truth is that sleep is extremely important, not only for your mood but also for your health. When you have too little sleep your entire body is affected. Did you know, however, that a chiropractor may be able to help you beat back insomnia?
Insomnia and Your Spine
When you're having a difficult time sleeping it can be far too easy to lay awake and nitpick the reason why you're not sleeping. You think about the amount of stress you're under at work, you think about family issues or you worry about things that you have left undone. You may even obsess over the fact that you're obsessing over not being able to sleep which, of course, is causing you to stay awake even longer. One thing that you may not think about is the possibility that back problems are causing, or at least contributing to, your insomnia. If you have restrictions in your vertebrae, it can cause a host of different problems. If you've tried all sorts of things to help battle back your insomnia, a visit to a chiropractor may be the next step.
Chiropractic Care and Insomnia
If your insomnia is being caused by your spine, a chiropractor can help to remove any restrictions you may have on the vertebrae. This eliminates all of the symptoms that are connected with spinal restriction problems, which may include your insomnia.
The doctors at The Joint Chiropractic are ready and able to help work with you to beat back your insomnia. They have affordable pricing and offer walk-in visits, which makes it easy to fit a visit in your schedule. Imagine how great it would feel to have a great night's sleep, simply from allowing a chiropractor to repair any restriction problems that are affecting your vertebrae. If you're struggling with insomnia, it's definitely worth a visit to see if a chiropractor can help you.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Pasadena, Tex.