Staying Healthy While Working From Home
By Paul Rothbart
With the advances in technology and the pandemic, more and more people are working from home. There's no denying the convenience and comfort of this environment, but it can pose risks to good health, both mental and physical. But these can be avoided by following a few simple guidelines.
Set Up a Dedicated Work Space
While it may be tempting to sprawl on the couch or settle into your favorite cozy chair, don't. Find a place in your house that can be set up as your office. A separate room is ideal. Set it up with a desk and everything you would have at work. If you don't have a room, that's OK. Place a desk in a corner of your living room. A card table also works or even a space on your kitchen table. Make sure you stock it with your computer, office supplies and whatever else you need to be productive and happy. Recreate your office environment. Keep distractions to a minimum. This will give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.
Set a Routine
In a standard job where you go to an office, you have a start time, end time, breaks, etc. A schedule aids productivity and will help keep you from feeling distracted and overwhelmed. Have a time each day that you will go to your work space and begin. Taking regular breaks and lunch are very important to your health. Use those times to get away from the computer. Take a short walk, do some stretching and make sure to get your nutrition. Don't forget to stay hydrated. Coffee is great, but make sure to drink water too. When the clock says it's quitting time, stop. Tomorrow is another day.
Stay in Touch
Socializing at work is one of the things that makes it enjoyable. Being isolated at home can breed loneliness and depression. This can be avoided by using the same technology you use to work. With video chat software, you can touch base with co-workers, give and receive assistance and make a human connection. Telephone calls also work. Though you are certainly busy, make the time for some non work-related chat. Connecting on a personal level is a nice break from the grind and a reminder that you are not in this alone. Very important for good mental health.
Working from home certainly has its advantages. No commute, safety, comfort. But it does come with pitfalls. They can be circumvented with a little planning and forethought. Earn a living and maintain your health. It's a pretty good way to live.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Spring, Tex.