How to Cultivate Charisma
By Sandy Schroeder
Developing charisma and being likable can become elusive in a busy society that demands a lot and always seems to be surging ahead. The little things that make people likable and help them relate to each other can get lost in the process.
You may know someone who has mastered the art of charisma. They always say the right thing, blend easily into groups, and seem comfortable wherever they go. Duplicating that kind of appeal can be frustrating.
The experts tell us it is better to start where we are and build on our own natural skills. When people are asked why they like someone they often come up with observations like these.
- He never fails to smile whatever the problem
- She always takes the time to ask how I am doing and if she can help
- He remembers what I like, and seems genuinely interested in what I do
- She always keeps her word and delivers what she promised.
- He always shows up when he says he will
Being likable really revolves around being human, vulnerable, and caring. People who have it care what happens to others and follow through to make time for others. Think about the people that you know who are the most likable. Then consider what you might do to follow their lead.
You may have a friend who is always there when things go wrong. She makes the time and really listens. If possible she helps, or finds others who can. Friends like that are hard to find, but absolutely invaluable when life deals out the problems. We should all try for that kind of loyalty.
You may have a relative who can be counted on to help the family, showing up and lending a hand wherever it is needed.
You may have a buddy who completely understands you, and knows just what you need when things are difficult. He shows up with ice cream and your favorite old movie and helps you mellow out and regroup.
You may work with people who are always willing to go the extra mile. They lend a hand when it is needed, and never complain when deadlines begin to stack up.
To really master charisma you need to take a little bit from all of these examples and blend them in with who you are. Focus on the people around you and give them your best. Charisma will follow.
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