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Let's Get Right to the Core of Things

By Sandy Schroeder

If you are tired of one crisis after another and really want to move ahead, working on your core might be the way to go to put life back in shape. 

Most of us do core exercises to keep the body healthy, but what about core exercises for the mind and the spirit? 

Health experts tell us we can strengthen our mental and spiritual cores too with a few steps. Practice really can make things better when you take steps like these. See what you think. 

Meditate daily - Take 10 minutes in the morning and another 10 at night to check in with the thoughts that are whirling through your head. Find a quiet spot and let them float by unchecked. Later you will feel more focused and make better decisions. 

Depend on music and laughter - Turn up your tunes and look for the funny side in life. When we are able to laugh a little everything feels a bit better and our perspective improves. We think of new ways to handle life and feel more comfortable with our decisions 

Soak up outdoor time - Spend as much time as you can on the patio, in your garden, at the park with your kids. Let the sunlight, breezes and leaves brighten your thoughts and inspire your actions. The minute I step outside I feel better. Everything goes up a notch and I often return with fresh ideas and new hope. 

Connect and reconnect - When you are tired, frustrated and worried, concerned family members and close friends can help you right the ship. Often they have experienced similar problems and may have good suggestions, or maybe they just need to listen as you vent. Either way, it will help to talk with them. 

Help others - When life seems impossible, if we look around we may see people with bigger problems, more issues and heavier loads. Take some time to reach out to a lonely neighbor, stop by the animal shelter, or lend a hand at the library. You will come away with fresh insight and a lighter spirit. 

Give thanks - At the end of the day, sit quietly and add up the good things that you are grateful for. Your family, your work, your energy, your home all count. Most of us cannot imagine life without them. Be glad you have them and let the rest of the day's cares go. 

Play with your pets - No one understands better than your dog or cat. They listen to the tone of your voice and watch for smiles. When you are happy, they are too. Take your dog for a walk or a run or spend time in your garden with your cat. Just enjoy being there. They will too. 

Keep working on your physical, mental and spiritual cores and enjoy the results. 

When you are ready to work on your core, stop by The Joint Chiropractic clinic near you. Find out about the personal healthcare packages that eliminate the hassle of insurance. Walk-ins are welcome.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Spring, Tex.

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Offer valued at $45. Valid for new patients only. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Clinics managed and/or owned by franchisee or Prof. Corps. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.