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When Our Knees Feel Pained

By Stephen R. Farris

Knee pain can strike us at any given time. The pain could hit us while walking, stepping up on a curb or going up the stairs. It could happen through exercise or a sport that we participate in. It may even be the result of a medical condition, such as osteoarthritis, tendinitis or bursitis, to name a few.

A lot of times, knee pain comes on from overusing it. Most jobs we're employed in require constant use of our legs, knees and back such as construction workers. We may overuse the knee due to our fitness routine or from playing recreational sports like football, baseball, basketball, tennis or soccer. 

For the most part, when knee pain happens, there are a few stretching and strengthening exercises that you can do to help relieve the pain like these below:

  • Heel and calf stretch
  • Quadriceps stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Half squat
  • Calf raises
  • Hamstring curl
  • Leg extensions
  • Straight leg raises
  • Side leg raises
  • Prone leg raises

Stretching and strengthening is important for your knee, even if you are feeling pain. The worst thing you can do for it is keep still. This will more than likely cause your knee to stiffen up. Try doing the above mentioned exercises, but as with any exercise, start off slow and do as many as you can until you're comfortable enough to do more.

When you begin to feel relief from your knee pain and begin to regain more flexibility and motion, try some of these exercises to incorporate into your daily fitness regime. Not only are they good for the knee, but for your overall fitness health and well-being.

  • Tai chi
  • Yoga
  • Stationary cycling
  • Swimming
  • Water aerobics
  • Elliptical machine

If you experience knee pain on a regular basis, it may be time to take a look at your body weight and try losing a few pounds. Excessive weight can put undue stress on the knee. After workouts or work, use the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation). 

If you're feeling pain in your back, neck and/or joints, go see the chiropractors at any of the nearly 500 nationwide The Joint Chiropractic offices. Chances are, there's one in or near your neighborhood. No appointment is necessary, so what are you waiting for? Go get relief from your pain now! 

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in The Woodlands, Tex.

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