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Helpful Tips for Immediate Anxiety Relief

By Stepy Kamei

Suffering from anxiety can be a debilitating and isolating experience. Whether you have the occasional bout of anxiety, or you've been diagnosed with an anxiety-related mental health condition, it can only help you to learn more about the ways in which you can fight this awful condition. For starters, knowledge is power, and it may bring comfort to know that you're not alone in your experience. On the contrary, 19 percent of the population is affected by anxiety disorders in any given year. Another reason why it pays to be in the know about your anxiety? So you know how to manage it and even prevent future episodes of anxiety occurring! Read on to pick up some helpful tips on what you can do right now to immediately relieve your stress and anxiety.

Replace Your Critical Voice With a Compassionate One

When you're in the throes of an anxiety attack, or even when you're recovering from one, it can be really tempting to want to beat yourself up over what occurred. Unfortunately, this can really take a toll on both your physical as well as your mental health and well-being. Physically, feelings of defeat and self-criticism can invoke a negative physical response, including a higher heart rate and increased blood pressure levels. Clearly, this can only have a negative impact on your health. Furthermore, it can lead to a damaging cycle of anxiety that causes more anxiety.

Meanwhile, replacing that voice with a much more compassionate one, while not always easy to do, is ultimately better for your health. Filling your mind with kind and caring thoughts about yourself, not to mention the world and people around you, can promote the body to literally physically relax. If you're having trouble with this, you can start by listening to guided meditations, or by practicing gratitude and appreciation for the people in your life. You can then work your way to saying kind things about yourself.

Write Out Your Problems

Therapists and other mental health professionals have recommended writing as a tool for battling anxiety for years, and for good reason -- it works. Many people find that a big reason why anxiety can have such a strong hold on them is because they ruminate on negative thoughts. However, writing these thoughts down and getting them out on paper can eliminate that. Patients report feeling reduced anxiety after just a few minutes of writing down whatever thoughts came to their head.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Draper, Utah.

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