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Flip a Poor Mood With These Quick Tips

By Genevieve Cunningham

Bad moods happen. Everyone has experienced their fair share of bad moods, and we'll all experience them again at some point. Life and circumstances change so often, it's normal to feel the ups and downs along the way. It's normal to feel a wide range of emotions, from happiness to sadness to anger and a million things in between. It's only when poor moods become a bit more permanent -- when we just can't seem to shake them -- that it really becomes a problem. If you've found that your bad moods hang around longer than you would like, take a look at these quick tips to flip your mood and feel better in no time. 

Get Some Physical Contact

As humans, we need physical contact with others. We need person to person meetings and experiences. Unfortunately, so much of what we do is online in today's world. While this is convenient, it's not great for mental and emotional health. Meet up with a friend for a movie or coffee, give a loved one a hug, or hold hands with a significant other. Physical contact with another person -- even something simple but sincere -- can completely transform a mood and leave you feeling better than ever. 

Move Your Body

Physical exercise is one of the very best remedies for a bad mood. When we move, our bodies produce endorphins -- a chemical that heavily affects our mood. When we have endorphins pumping through our body, it's almost impossible to stay in a bad mood. Choose an activity that is enjoyable so that you don't go into the activity filled with dread. Just a few minutes of a fun, active activity can totally change your mood -- and it will get you in better shape too. Win-win!

Throw Out Some Stuff

Clutter can make you grumpy. Research shows that a cluttered environment makes us feel more stressed. And when we're stressed, we experience more bad moods. If you want to change a bad mood, pick a cluttered spot and start throwing stuff out. As the space becomes less cluttered and more organized, you may find your mood turning around. And if you keep the space clutter-free, you may also be helping to avoid bad moods and negative feelings in the future. 

Moods can be a roller coaster. They're going to go up and down and all around throughout our lives, and that's totally fine. But if your bad moods begin to outweigh the good, it's time to take action. Use these tips to flip your bad mood right now, and never be afraid to reach out for help to keep yourself mentally healthy for the rest of your life. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Riverdale, Utah.

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